How to read a xlsx file with multiple Sheets in R?
Hi Everyone, today I want to show you how to read a xlxs file in R, for use this function you must have the library readxl, so the first step is install the readxl library.
# Yo can download the library from cran or github devtools::install_github('dragua/xlsx')
If we want to read a xlxs, we can use the function “read_excel”, for play with this function we need to pass two basic parameters basic: The file name and the Sheet that we want read.
#We can use this method to read for example the sheet 1.( with numbers)
dataWithNumericSheet <- read_excel("example.xlsx", sheet = 1)
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
## Id Age Name
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1213 18 Peter
## 2 1215 23 Joan
## 3 1278 35 Magdalena
# Or we can use this another method with string
dataWithStringSheet <- read_excel("example.xlsx", sheet = "sheet 2")
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
## Color Holidays
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 red yes
## 2 blue no
## 3 grey yes
Sometimes we have more of one sheet in a Excel document, and we need all the data of document, in this case we can create a easy solution.
# Using excel_sheets, we can get the names of sheets and create a list with them.
sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets("example.xlsx")
sheets <- as.list(sheets)
# When we have the list, we createa loop for each sheet and we save the data in the variable "finalData".
finalData <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(sheets)){
if (nrow(finalData) == 0 ) {
data <- read_excel("example.xlsx", sheet = sheets[[i]] )
finalData <- data
dataNext <- read_excel("example.xlsx", sheet = sheets[[i]] )
finalData <- cbind(finalData, dataNext)
## Id Age Name Color Holidays Country City
## 1 1213 18 Peter red yes EEUU New York
## 2 1215 23 Joan blue no Spain Madrid
## 3 1278 35 Magdalena grey yes France Paris
As you can see is very easy create a dataframe following our steps, if you have any problem to read excel documents write us and we will help you.
A hug