Leaflet in R
Hello, everyone!! Today I want to show you how to display your data on a map, to do that, we need these libraries: leaflet, googleway and magrittr. library(magrittr) library(leaflet) library(googleway) For this example we...

Hello, everyone!! Today I want to show you how to display your data on a map, to do that, we need these libraries: leaflet, googleway and magrittr. library(magrittr) library(leaflet) library(googleway) For this example we...
K-means Hi everyone, today we go to explain how to do a cluster segmentation, the term clustering refers to a wide range of unsupervised techniques whose purpose is to find patterns or groups (clusters)...
Data visualization is key when presenting our analysis and results, for that reason today we will see the plotly library. This library allows us to create interactive charts very useful for the end user....
In this post I want to teach you how to see which users talk about something on Twitter and present it in a simple chart. For this example we are going to look at...